Organization Name: SAF-TESO
Website: SAF-TESO
Tell Us About Your Organization
SAF-TESO is a lead volunteering placement organization in the Teso and Karamoja sub regions Eastern Uganda. We host International volunteers from any part of the world.
Plot1-7 Olio Avenue Old Mbale Road Red Cross Building P.O.Box 684, Soroti Uganda, E.Africa
Vision and Long Term Objective
Our vision is: Empowering vulnerable communities to meet their basic needs, improving healthcare, promoting fundamental human rights, protecting the environment and nature.
Our long term objective is: To support marginalized people and groups and to give them a loud advocacy voice to improve their economic opportunities and reduce inequalities
Who We Are
SAF-TESO is an Indigenous Non-Profit NGO registered in the Republic of Uganda since 2009, dedicated to improving the human rights, social and economic wellbeing, and health of Ugandans. It possesses the UNCCD International Accreditation and the United Nations ECOSOC consultative status, and works to enhance and contribute to the three Rio Conventions on Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification.
How Can People Help/Volunteer With You?
SAF-TESO hosts international volunteers in Uganda! Get in touch with them to know their current needs and how you can volunteer with them!
Some projects are:
- Public health
- Environment and sustainability
- Education and economic empowerment
- Human rights and social justice

What Makes You The Proudest About Your Organization?
The power of volunteering goes beyond money.