The Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) is an organization present in more than 40 nations and territories throughout the Wider Caribbean Region. The organization works with Caribbean sea turtles in hopes of increasing their population. WIDECAST is committed to facilitating regional capacity to ensure the recovery and sustainable management of depleted sea turtle populations.
For them, a sustainably managed sea turtle population meets the needs – ecological, economic, socio-cultural, political, aesthetic, spiritual – of the present without compromising the ability of the population to meet these needs in the future. This can only be reached through education and ensuring that the species ecosystems are protected.
As a result, all WIDECAST efforts go toward working at all levels, from legislation efforts to education, training, research, advocacy, and outreach. This sea turtle conservation network works in many locations all over the region.

Sea Turtle Conservation – The Importance of Monitoring Nesting Areas
Knowing where nesting sites are, and the patterns of the sea turtle species that visit them are important for 2 main reasons. First is studying their behaviours, the best conditions for these creatures to lay their eggs, and narrow down their needs for their numbers to go up. The second is to inform conservationists, policymakers, and coastal developers to encourage countries to work together to safeguard important habitats.
One thing being done to learn more about the turtle’s patterns is tagging. This tagging program is based in Barbados and allows scientists to study the way sea turtles move through the year. The program even tracks data from individual turtles throughout their lives.
Related read: Sea turtle conservation in Greece
Why Monitoring the Population Numbers is Important for Sea Turtle Conservation
You might be wondering why trying to keep a count on these animals is important. Let me explain. Some people think that just caring for their habitat and ecosystem is enough, but there are great advantages of keeping an eye on population numbers.
The first advantage has to do with the creation of legislation and policies. The best way to convince governments that conservation efforts are successful is by showing results. Having a record of where sea turtle populations are increasing may result in governments providing more support. This is why there are WIDECAST sea turtle centres throughout Caribbean beaches.

But Why do We Need to Protect Sea Turtles?
Well, these cute animals are under a great attack by humans without us even knowing. The main threats to sea turtles are:
- Beach Driving
- Litter and Debris
- Sand Mining
- Beach Stabilization/Seawalls
- Climate Change
- Beachfront Lighting
- Boats and Personal Watercraft
- Coastal Construction Setbacks
- Direct Harvest (Turtles, Eggs)
- Fisheries Bycatch
- Illness and Injury
- International Trade
- Coral Reef loss
- Loss of Marine and Coastal Vegetation
- Marine Debris
- Obstacles on the Beach
WIDECAST works with local tourist industries teaching ways to conduct activities with less impact on sea turtles. They promote eco-tourism as a great way to generate revenue while helping conservationist efforts.
How Can You Support Widecast’s Efforts
Now for the fun part, how to support the sea turtle conservation efforts. Well, they work entirely on donations. I bet this is the easiest way to help, but they also constantly have openings for volunteer positions announced on their social media. If you don’t live anywhere near the beach and can’t help with the ways mentioned above, there are simple things you can do in your daily life like:
- Travel smart – Don´t take part in the above-mentioned activities that might hurt sea turtles
- Help educate people
- Organize and participate in fundraisers
As you can see, there are many things that you can do to help this organization and others like it around the globe.
Related read: All about volunteering or touring a butterfly garden in Costa Rica.
Contact Widecast
Here is how you can learn more about their work and the many ways you can help.
- Website::
- Email:
Post Updated: June 2021
Originally posted 2012
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Hey There,
How old do you have to be to take part in this program?